The Story Corner is a collaboration between Kensington Voice and McPherson Square Library, located at the intersection of Kensington and Indiana Avenues.
I got involved in the first story corner workshop because I happened to stop by the Kensington Storefront while Maggie was there recruiting photographers for the project. I’m always open to new adventures, and this has been fun and exciting.
This photo asks, “What draws you into Kensington?”
It beckons with an almost hypnotizing allure…

Like exploring a tunnel, the adventure calls.

Much love exists in Kensington. Some of it has endured many years of abuse and neglect.

Homelessness is real in Kensington.

Truth is abundant in Kensington. Not so much in words uttered, more so in the eyes and hearts of the people.

This photo says “Nurturing Spirit, Helping Hand, Beauty, Love.” The media talks about how many folks die here, but many more come here to live because this is the Last Stop for them.I know many who have lost the battle with addiction, and I know many more who have overcome it.

The media talks about how many folks die here, and many more come here to live, because this is the Last Stop for them.
I know many that have lost the battle with addiction, and I know many more who have overcome it.
This photo speaks to the reality of recovery. <3

People come from great distances to battle powerful demons within at the Last Stop. Miracles happen there every day.

It truly has been an honor and blessing to be part of this project, and to engage in the collective creativity that only touches the surface of how rich and diverse Kensington is.
What did you think about this story? Send a note to editors@kensingtonvoice.com, and we’ll consider publishing it in our Voices section. You can also tell us what you think in person at our neighborhood events.
Editors: Maggie Loesch, Alexis Rogers / Story Designer: Jillian Bauer-Reese / Translator: Kristine Aponte