Propietarios de Filadelfia: Este fin de semana soliciten estos dos programas de exención de impuestos de Filadelfia , and By Claire Wolters September 12, 2020 12 September 2020 2020 September 12
News Philadelphia homeowners: Apply for these two Philadelphia tax exemption programs this weekend , and By Claire Wolters September 11, 2020 11 September 2020 2020 September 11
News A new normal for students with learning disabilities , and By Claire Wolters September 11, 2020 11 September 2020 2020 September 11
Esperanza y HACE utilizarán la subvención estatal CARES para la prevención de la falta de vivienda en las comunidades hispanas y latinx , and By Claire Wolters August 12, 2020 12 August 2020 2020 August 12
Civics & Government Esperanza and HACE will use state CARES grant towards homelessness prevention in Hispanic and Latinx communities , and By Claire Wolters August 7, 2020 7 August 2020 2020 August 7
News Philly curfews and closures create challenges for people experiencing homelessness, outreach workers , and By Claire Wolters June 5, 2020 5 June 2020 2020 June 5
Alguien dispara fuegos artificiales de proyectiles a personas sin hogar en Kensington , and By Claire Wolters May 29, 2020 29 May 2020 2020 May 29
News Someone shoots projectile fireworks at people experiencing homelessness in Kensington , and By Claire Wolters May 29, 2020 29 May 2020 2020 May 29
News Broken hand-washing stations removed from Kensington Avenue, moving to Brewerytown , and By Claire Wolters May 29, 2020 29 May 2020 2020 May 29
Las estaciones de lavado de manos rotas serán trasladadas de Kensington Avenue a Brewerytown , and By Claire Wolters May 29, 2020 29 May 2020 2020 May 29
Health, Safety, & Wellbeing Shelter guests return to Sunday Breakfast after two-week quarantine following coronavirus outbreak , and By Claire Wolters May 23, 2020 23 May 2020 2020 May 23
Los huéspedes del refugio Sunday Breakfast regresan después de una cuarentena de dos semanas tras un brote de coronavirus , and By Claire Wolters May 23, 2020 23 May 2020 2020 May 23
Retrasos en la admisión de cuarentena abruman a huéspedes y personal de un refugio después de la mayoría de las personas dan positivo para coronav , and By Claire Wolters May 14, 2020 14 May 2020 2020 May 14
Health, Safety, & Wellbeing Quarantine intake delays overwhelm shelter guests, staff after majority of shelter tests positive for coronavirus , and By Claire Wolters May 13, 2020 13 May 2020 2020 May 13
En el refugio para hombres más grande de Filadelfia, más de la mitad de los huéspedes y el personal son positivos para COVID-19 , and By Claire Wolters May 12, 2020 12 May 2020 2020 May 12
News At Philly’s largest men’s shelter, more than half of guests and staff test positive for COVID-19 , and By Claire Wolters May 11, 2020 11 May 2020 2020 May 11