Guía de autocuidado: cómo mostrarte un poco de amor en este Día de San Valentín de COVID , and By Solmaira Valerio February 10, 2021 10 February 2021 2021 February 10
Guides & Resources Self-care guide: How to show yourself some love on this COVID Valentine’s Day , and By Solmaira Valerio February 10, 2021 10 February 2021 2021 February 10
PECO insta a los clientes de bajos ingresos afectados por COVID-19 a aplicar al Programa de Crisis de Recuperación LIHEAP de PA , and By Solmaira Valerio July 28, 2020 28 July 2020 2020 July 28
News PECO urges low-income customers affected by COVID-19 to apply to PA’s LIHEAP Recovery Crisis Program , and By Solmaira Valerio July 23, 2020 23 July 2020 2020 July 23
News The Love Lot: Where Step Up to the Plate offers free meals, live music, and medical attention to Kensington residents during COVID-19 , and By Solmaira Valerio July 15, 2020 15 July 2020 2020 July 15
The Love Lot: Donde Step Up to the Plate ofrece comidas gratuitas, música en vivo y atención médica a los residentes de Kensington durante COVID-19 , and By Solmaira Valerio July 15, 2020 15 July 2020 2020 July 15
Criado en Kensington, este sargento de la Guardia Nacional fue estacionado en una calle cerca de la casa de su infancia , and By Solmaira Valerio June 12, 2020 12 June 2020 2020 June 12
News Raised in Kensington, this National Guard sergeant was stationed down the street from his childhood home , and By Solmaira Valerio June 12, 2020 12 June 2020 2020 June 12
Las clases gratuitas en Lillian Marrero Library combinan cocinar con el aprendizaje de inglés , and By Erin Blewett , and By Solmaira Valerio September 5, 2019 5 September 2019 2019 September 5
Cómo yo atravesé el sistema educativo de Filadelfia y aprendí a abrazar mis raíces , and By Solmaira Valerio September 5, 2019 5 September 2019 2019 September 5
Voices How I pushed through Philly's education system and learned to embrace my roots , and By Solmaira Valerio September 5, 2019 5 September 2019 2019 September 5
Land, Property, & Public Space Restoring Victor's garden , and By Solmaira Valerio March 25, 2019 25 March 2019 2019 March 25