The 2020 Census is on April 1.
The United States Census Bureau classifies Kensington as a “hard-to-count” community, so for our latest issue, we tackled a series of stories that explore the importance of residents getting counted in the 2020 Census, and what an accurate (or inaccurate) population count means for the neighborhood.
We asked various community organizations, including New Kensington CDC, Kensington Library, Congreso de Latinos Unidos, Esperanza Health Center, and Providence Center, to write about why the Census matters to them. We also explored what the City of Philadelphia and neighborhood organizations are doing to improve Census participation in populations at risk of an undercount, including Hispanics and Latinxs, youth, and people experiencing homelessness.
Mark your calendars for April 1, and check out our #2020Census guide with everything you need to know about what the Census is, why it matters, and how you can participate.