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Hey, Kensington: Here's a list of online resources the Free Library is offering while they're closed

The Free Library of Philadelphia branches are physically closed due to COVID-19 but many librarians and staffers are still providing online programs and services through the Free Library website and the branches’ social media accounts. 

According to Mcpherson Square Branch Librarian Tuesday Chalmers, librarians across the city are trying to keep their patrons engaged. To help spread the word, here’s a list of resources you can access from your home. 

Free Library website resources

If you don’t already have a library card, you’ll need to go to the Free Library website and sign-up online. After submitting the online application, you can use your library card number to access any of the following resources: 

The Free Library is offering Virtual Programming and Online Resources (Photo by Erin Blewett)

Free Library virtual programming

You can check out the Free Library’s virtual programming page with activities for adults, young adults, school-age children, preschoolers, toddlers, seniors, and babies here. The website has a list of hundreds of program titles, descriptions, dates, and times. 

Here are some upcoming programs:

Remember to regularly check the virtual programming website for program announcements and cancellations.

The Free Library of Philadelphia, Lillian Marrero Branch. (Photo by Erin Blewett)

The library branches’s social media accounts

Many libraries, including all three branches in the Kensington-area, are posting activities and COVID-19 information on their Instagram and Facebook pages. 

Kensington Library

Facebook: Kensington Neighborhood Library
Instagram: @kensington_freelibrary

Lillian Marrero Library 

Facebook: Lillian Marrero Branch Library
Instagram: @lillianmarrerolibrary

McPherson Square Library 

Facebook: McPherson Square Branch
Instagram: @mcphersonsqlibrary

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Editors: Claire Wolters / Designer: Henry Savage / Translator: N/A