On February 23 and March 2, we focused our Story Corner workshops around the theme of “roots,” and explored participants’ communities of origin through a group poem and individual writing prompts. The poetry and other writing below are the results of these workshops.
A group of six community members and Kensington Voice staff wrote a poem called “The Poem of Truth: An Exploration of Our Roots,” featured below:
The Poem of Truth: An Exploration of Our Roots
Friends and family
Veterinary technician
Big community, frustrating, huge part of life
Loved ones, faces I see every day, memories, the first time I met my friends
Uplifting each other, feelings depend on the day, striving to be better
Continuing education, really supportive, Dawn-isms
Limited mobility, meeting new people, getting healthier
Don’t like bullying, enjoying more freedom and liberty, going to the store and spending money
Resident and community activist Rakee Starwind also wrote a poem called “Heaven’s Sky,” featured below:
I’ve been a member of Unitarian Universalist Church of the Restoration in Mt. Airy for eight years. This poem is dedicated to a lot of people; I had one person in mind when I was writing it. The eternity of music is in the church. Everyone there is passionate and loving. Fight for what you believe in and what is right. Go for your dreams.
Heaven’s Sky
Soaring high like a hawk in the sky that gently touches Heaven’s cloud
That blue blue sky and the eternity of music bringing a symphony of justice that touches the heart
Bringing out a glow of burning energy and the passions of the core
I will not turn back; in honor, I fight for you
So our destiny is bond
To succeed and make all our dreams come true
Dawn Katona wrote about being a vet tech for over 25 years, and how that shapes her identity, featured below:
I have been part of the veterinary technician community for almost 29 years. My goal is to help provide care for the animals.
One day, I plan on getting certified to be a veterinary technician. To help myself reach my goal, I am attending seminars for continuing education.
I work at Girard Veterinary Clinic, and working in this field has helped me strengthen my communication and organization skills. My coworkers are starting a book called “Dawn-isms,” since I always come up with words that are completely different from the word I am trying to say.
Being part of the community gives me a feeling of family. We definitely have our family problems, but we work through it together by supporting each other.
My least favorite part is when we cannot help the pet and they die.
Each day is a new adventure.
What did you think about this story? Send a note to editors@kensingtonvoice.com, and we’ll consider publishing it in our Voices section. You can also tell us what you think in person at our neighborhood events.
Editor: Jillian Bauer-Reese / Story Designer: Jillian Bauer-Reese / Translator: Kristine Aponte