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‘Both candidates have two completely different views on things that, to me, are important.’

Rosa Rodriguez

Age: 33
Neighborhood: Kensington
Volunteer: Full-time mother

Why are you voting?

This is a very important election for many different reasons — all types of beliefs and religious beliefs. Both candidates have two completely different views on things that, to me, are important. I grew up with certain beliefs. Like the abortion topic — that’s a topic that gets deep with lots of people because there are different opinions. I feel like it’s important to come and vote so people’s voices can be heard since there are so many opinions on those types of topics, like health insurance. It’s just important. If we want to see a change, you have to vote on that. 

What presidential platform policies or issues are most important to you?

I was actually very confused at the beginning because I didn’t know who I was going to vote for. I basically base my opinions on my religious beliefs. I was confused but then watching the debates, everything made me feel like this is a very important election, even more important than the previous one. But I was confused — very confused. 

The President, he tends to come off arrogant. At the beginning, I was like, “Oh, I can’t stand him.” But then I started just comparing how it would be [to be President], you have the whole entire country in your hands, and you have to run it. Just the stress that he must go through and then sometimes he has to deal with reporters, so just to compare all of those things and realize like, okay, you know, his job is not easy. As President, he has a serious job. So maybe that’s why he comes off in a certain type of way, but I don’t know. I just feel like if people want to see change, they have to come vote. It’s the only way we’ll see a change, right?

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Editors: Zari Tarazona, Claire Wolters, Siani Colón / Designer: Jillian Bauer-Reese

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