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Simon Joseph

Norris Square resident, patron of Half Time Good Times

Why are you at the rally tonight?

Tony is an absolute fundamental part of this community. When I think of this community, I certainly think of Tony. [Half Time Good Times] is a place for birthday parties, it recently hosted a wake. It had a going away party for me when I went on a little voyage of my own. And when I think of if I ever need anything in the neighborhood, I know I can come here, and somebody here can help me. I had a plumbing issue about a year ago, and who helped me with my plumbing issue? Tony. That’s why I’m here to support him. He helped me. I’m helping him.

How do you think the police department should handle emergency calls, like property damages, looting, and violence in the neighborhood?

I’m definitely pro-defund the police and refund other social services. We need more mental health services and more services for people who don’t need someone showing up with a gun, especially with what just happened in West Philly

We don’t need people with guns coming to situations that don’t require them.

If you could send a message to city leadership, what would you say?

Listen to the people; listen to the community. Be more responsive to the people who actually live here, and not the people who are outside the community and trying to influence through media or whatever it might be.

To read more Community Responses, click here.

Editors: Zari Tarazona, Claire Wolters, Siani Colón / Designer: Henry Savage

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