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"We need the police. Without them, there would be more crime."

Evaristo Rodríguez, Kensington, resident

Editor’s note: The responses have been lightly edited for clarity and conciseness.

What do you think of everything that’s going on in the neighborhood and the city in regards to the following: peaceful protests, damage to businesses, looting, and the police response to protests, damages, or looting?

We need the businesses. It’s not right what [people have] done. It’s not fair. How are we going to buy stuff?  

I’m against looting. I don’t like that. You’re not supposed to do that. You’re not supposed to take from nobody. 

The police are doing a great job. They did the best that they could. 

What solutions do you hope to see in your community or in general after these protests? (Kensington, Philadelphia, U.S.)

To help people build everything back up and make a change. 

In light of current events, what are the issues that you would like the Kenney administration, city council, and the rest of city government to focus on in the upcoming budget to help your community?

To help the people who were really hurt, like the businesses that got their stuff taken. To see them prosper and get back on their feet. 

How would you describe the policing in your community, and what would you like to see in the police department moving forward?

From what I’ve been seeing, they’ve been doing a great job. So I can’t say anything bad about them. We need them. Without them, all this stuff that happened would be worse. We need the police. Without them, there would be more crime. 

To read more Community Responses, click here.

Editors: Claire Wolters, Zari Tarazona, Siani Colon / Designer: Henry Savage

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