News Photography Without Borders: ‘Everybody could use some hope, especially in Kensington.’ , and By Brianna Hill July 21, 2022
Noticias Cantina La Martina: ‘La gente en este vecindario merece buenas comidas y no debería tener que caminar muy lejos para tenerlas’. , and By Lee Nentwig July 21, 2022
News The Block Gives Back hosts annual Peace & Play Day in Harrowgate , and By Siani Colón July 20, 2022
Noticias Unas residentes de Harrowgate esperan años para que Philly Parks and Rec sacara un árbol: ‘Era mi misión derribar ese árbol’ , and By Zari Tarazona July 12, 2022
News Lots of Lots of Love mural: ‘If we focus on the things we do agree on and work together on how, we can create something beautiful’ , and By Solmaira Valerio July 11, 2022
Voces El aumento de los fondos de la bibliotecas de Filadelfia es un paso en la dirección correcta, pero no es suficiente para lo que se necesita. , and By Kayla Hoskinson July 11, 2022
Voces Los problemas de seguridad que enfrentamos en Kensington afectan a nuestros niños también; es hora de que escuchemos de ellos. , and By Maria Blaszczyk July 11, 2022
Noticias ‘Queremos volver a presentar Kreate Hub a la comunidad’ , and By Daisie Cardona July 8, 2022
Noticias en español El festival parroquial anual de Visitation BVM regresa a Kensington , and By Zari Tarazona July 5, 2022
News Cantina La Martina: ‘People in this neighborhood deserve good meals and shouldn’t have to walk far away to have one.’ , and By Lee Nentwig July 5, 2022
News Visitation BVM’s annual parish festival returns to Kensington , and By Zari Tarazona June 27, 2022
Health, Safety, & Wellbeing The safety issues we face in Kensington affect our children too; it's time we hear from them. , and By Maria Blaszczyk June 23, 2022
Community Connection ‘We want to reintroduce Kreate Hub to the community' , and By Daisie Cardona June 23, 2022
News Harrowgate residents wait years for Philly Parks and Rec tree removal: ‘It was my mission to get that tree down’ , and By Zari Tarazona June 22, 2022
Free, all-ages community art contest: $2,500 in cash prizes , and By Kensington Voice Staff June 22, 2022
Competencia de arte comunitario y gratuito para todas las edades: $ 2,500 en premios en efectivo , and By Jill Bauer-Reese June 22, 2022