Esta organización latina proporciona declaración de impuestos gratuita a personas con bajos ingresos , and By Khysir Carter March 3, 2022
News This Latinx org provides free tax filing to people with low incomes , and By Khysir Carter March 3, 2022
News Kensington’s Déjà Vu Barbershop: ‘We’re not just barbers; we’re like therapists’ , and By Lee Nentwig February 28, 2022
Voices ‘Being disabled doesn’t change the fact that your necessities are just as important as the next person.’ , and By Darryl A. Thomas February 24, 2022
Tú lo pediste. Nosotros escuchamos. ¡Obtenga el periódico impreso de Kensington Voice cerca de usted! , and By Kensington Voice Staff February 7, 2022
Voices Philly’s new district boundary at K&A is mind-boggling; now we're forced to start all over again , and By Alfred Klosterman February 2, 2022
News You asked. We listened. Get Kensington Voice's print newspaper near you! , and By Kensington Voice Staff January 19, 2022
News Harrowgate resident leads mural project at Scanlon Playground: ‘I would love to continue bringing communities together through art’ , and By Khysir Carter January 7, 2022
Residente de Harrowgate dirige un proyecto de mural en Scanlon Playground: ‘Me encantaría seguir uniendo a las comunidades a través del arte’ , and By Khysir Carter January 7, 2022
Dónde obtener instalaciones de detectores de humo y baterías gratis en Filadelfia , and By Empleados de Kensington Voice January 6, 2022
Guides & Resources Where to get free smoke detectors and batteries installed in Philly , and By Kensington Voice Staff January 6, 2022
Este miembro de Youth United for Change describe el impacto en toda la comunidad al abordar el tema de la basura en Kensington , and By Matthew Taveras January 5, 2022
La caminata de un residente de Kensington a la escuela: ‘Hay una disparidad visible de dónde la Ciudad elige gastar su dinero’ , and By Matthew Taveras January 5, 2022
Sanitation, Trash, & Cleanliness Youth United for Change member describes the community-wide impact of addressing trash in Kensington , and By Matthew Taveras January 5, 2022
Sanitation, Trash, & Cleanliness A Kensington resident’s walk to school: ‘There is a visible disparity of where the City chooses to spend its money' , and By Matthew Taveras January 5, 2022
‘Mucho Mucho Amor’: los artistas, las organizaciones y los residentes de Kensington restauran el amor al vecindario , and By Daisie Cardona December 21, 2021