A medida que las escuelas de Filadelfia reabren, los estudiantes y maestros de Kensington aún necesitan ayuda para el aprendizaje en línea , and By Henry Savage April 5, 2021
Solutions Spotlight Need internet connection or a computer? Philly’s digital navigators can help , and By Zari Tarazona April 1, 2021
Civics & Government 'It should be organized by the people that were in addiction, as well as people that live in the community.' , and By Henry Savage March 30, 2021
Civics & Government 'I'm not interested in the station being safe for new residents. I'm interested in it being safe for people who live here now.' , and By Henry Savage March 30, 2021
Civics & Government 'We can get more done together than we can individually.' , and By Henry Savage March 30, 2021
‘Crear un espacio para que todos nos reunamos … y ayude a resolver algo de esto’ , and By Henry Savage March 30, 2021
La comunidad de Kensington responde al cierre de la estación de Somerset de SEPTA. , and By Henry Savage March 30, 2021
Civics & Government 'A station on a major line being closed is only going to hurt the neighborhood.' , and By Henry Savage March 30, 2021
Civics & Government 'Create a space for all of us to convene ... and help solve some of this' , and By Henry Savage March 30, 2021
Civics & Government 'The station closing is a symptom of a disease.' , and By Henry Savage March 30, 2021
‘Podemos hacer más juntos de lo que podemos hacer individualmente’. , and By Henry Savage March 30, 2021
Esta residente de Kensington está respondiendo a la gentrificación en su vecindario a través de la poesía , and By Jasmin Velez March 30, 2021