Civics & Government ‘Nowadays, people don’t help people. There’s no love in the world — there’s no love.’ , and By Jill Bauer-Reese November 3, 2020
Civics & Government ‘Every time they want votes, they look to Latinos, but when they get our vote, they push us aside.’ , and By Jill Bauer-Reese November 3, 2020
Civics & Government ‘I really don't follow politics that closely, so I just went straight Democratic all the way down.’ , and By Jill Bauer-Reese November 3, 2020
Civics & Government ‘Hopefully, Joe Biden will bring us all together again.’ , and By Jill Bauer-Reese November 3, 2020
Civics & Government ‘With the community, we need a lot of change.’ , and By Jill Bauer-Reese November 3, 2020
Noticias Elección 2020: los votantes de Kensington comparten sus perspectivas en las urnas , and By Kensington Voice Staff November 3, 2020
News 2020 Election: Kensington voters share their perspectives at the polls , and By Kensington Voice Staff November 3, 2020
Civics & Government 'I don’t like Trump and it’s really important to vote right now, especially for my kind — for Black people.' , and By Henry Savage November 3, 2020
Civics & Government ‘I’m voting to knock out Trump. We’re going to get him out of here.’ , and By Henry Savage November 3, 2020
Civics & Government ‘I'm hoping that this vote will change everything, and that my vote will make the difference.’ , and By Henry Savage November 3, 2020
Civics & Government ‘I'm not voting for his personality. He's not a godly person or anything like that, but his policies are why I'm voting.’ , and By Henry Savage November 3, 2020
Civics & Government ‘I’ve always voted pretty much every election, but for this one, I wanted to get to the polls right at 7 a.m. in case something would go funny.’ , and By Henry Savage November 3, 2020
Civics & Government ‘I’m voting because I want to get Trump out of the presidency.’ , and By Henry Savage November 3, 2020
Noticias Guía de votación para el día de las elecciones en Kensington: centros de votación, recursos y COVID-19 , and By Zari Tarazona , and By Khysir Carter November 3, 2020
News Kensington’s Election Day voting guide: Polling places, resources, and COVID-19 , and By Zari Tarazona , and By Khysir Carter October 30, 2020
News A Kensington bookstore and local nonprofit brought a goat-filled play to Sunflower Philly , and By Henry Savage October 28, 2020