"Siento el dolor y la desesperanza cuando tengo que caminar por mi vecindario, y no deberíamos tener que sentir eso." , and By Henry Savage August 3, 2020
Sanitation, Trash, & Cleanliness "I feel the pain and the hopelessness when I have to walk through my neighborhood, and we shouldn’t have to feel that." , and By Kensington Voice Staff August 3, 2020
"Si miras al centro de la ciudad, la basura se recoge allí constantemente... ¿Por qué no podemos tener un vecindario limpio también?" , and By Henry Savage August 3, 2020
Sanitation, Trash, & Cleanliness "If you look at Center City, trash is picked up there consistently... Why can't we have a clean neighborhood as well?" , and By Kensington Voice Staff August 3, 2020
“Voy a vender este negocio. ¿Sabes por qué? Todo el día, la gente vende drogas al aire libre y los clientes tienen miedo." , and By Henry Savage August 3, 2020
Sanitation, Trash, & Cleanliness "When I say, 'Whose streets? Our streets,' I mean that these are our streets, and we need help from the city." , and By Kensington Voice Staff August 3, 2020
Sanitation, Trash, & Cleanliness "It's not just trash that we're dealing with. You're talking about biohazardous waste, like syringes and human waste." , and By Kensington Voice Staff August 3, 2020
Civics & Government Kensington reacts to Councilmember Maria Quiñones-Sánchez’s restorative investment plan , and By Kensington Voice Staff August 3, 2020
Civics & Government Philadelphia’s Managing Director’s Office releases a partially-funded action plan for Kensington , and By Zari Tarazona July 30, 2020
Se insta a los habitantes de Filadelfia a permanecer vigilantes a medida que aumentan los casos de COVID-19 , and By Jill Bauer-Reese July 29, 2020
Hite dice que el aprendizaje será totalmente en línea al menos hasta noviembre , and By Jill Bauer-Reese July 29, 2020
El plan de reapertura de las escuelas de Filadelfia se suspende después de una protesta: ‘No deberíamos tener que enseñarle a los estudiantes la , and By Jill Bauer-Reese July 29, 2020
PECO insta a los clientes de bajos ingresos afectados por COVID-19 a aplicar al Programa de Crisis de Recuperación LIHEAP de PA , and By Solmaira Valerio July 28, 2020
La Junta de Educación se aleja del plan de reapertura después de una reacción adversa durante una reunión del maratónica , and By Jill Bauer-Reese July 24, 2020
News PECO urges low-income customers affected by COVID-19 to apply to PA’s LIHEAP Recovery Crisis Program , and By Solmaira Valerio July 23, 2020