News How the city and Kensington-area organizations are trying to fix the Hispanic undercount , and By Diana Cristancho , and By Zari Tarazona February 27, 2020
Noticias Como la ciudad y las organizaciones en el área de Kensington están tratando de arreglar el bajo conteo hispano , and By Diana Cristancho , and By Zari Tarazona February 27, 2020
Noticias En Filadelfia, ¿Cómo el Censo contará a las personas teniendo falta de vivienda? , and By Henry Savage February 26, 2020
News In Philly, how will the 2020 Census count people experiencing homelessness? , and By Henry Savage February 26, 2020
Noticias Con los fondos del programa de jóvenes en riesgo, así es como Filadelfia está abordando el conteo del Censo 2020 jóvenes , and By Henry Savage February 26, 2020
News With youth program funding at stake, here’s how Philly is tackling the 2020 Census youth count , and By Henry Savage February 26, 2020
La comunidad y la ciudad responden después de que 16 negocios cierran en barrido de Kensington Avenue , and By Henry Savage February 25, 2020
Land, Property, & Public Space Community, city respond after 16 businesses close in Kensington Avenue sweep , and By Henry Savage , and By Erin Blewett , and By Zari Tarazona February 25, 2020
Voices Kensington Library: Why the 2020 Census matters to us , and By Kensington Library February 25, 2020
Voces Kensington Library: Por qué nos importa el Censo 2020 , and By Kensington Library February 25, 2020
Voices Esperanza Health Center: Why the 2020 Census matters to us , and By Esperanza Health Center February 25, 2020
Noticias en español Esperanza Health Center: Por qué nos importa el Censo 2020 , and By Esperanza Health Center February 25, 2020
Voices Providence Center: Why the 2020 Census matters to us , and By Providence Center February 25, 2020
Voces Providence Center: Por qué nos importa el Censo 2020 , and By Providence Center February 25, 2020
Voices New Kensington CDC: Why the 2020 Census matters to us , and By New Kensington CDC (NKCDC) February 25, 2020
Noticias en español New Kensington CDC: Por qué nos importa el Censo 2020 , and By New Kensington CDC (NKCDC) February 25, 2020