Contests All-ages community art contest: $1,500 in prizes for ‘My vision for Kensington’ , and By Jill Bauer-Reese March 31, 2023
News Kensington FamilyFit program promotes holistic health and wellness at the new Esperanza CORE center , and By Jill Bauer-Reese March 3, 2023
News Kensington’s Walgreens is closing, reducing the neighborhood’s access to medication and groceries , and By Jill Bauer-Reese , and By Siani Colón March 1, 2023
Noticias Otro negocio de Kensington cierra dejando basura atrás: 'Es muy irritante, frustrante e inquietante ver que es así y que a nadie le importa' , and By Jill Bauer-Reese February 21, 2023
News Another Kensington business closes, leaving trash behind: ‘It’s very aggravating and frustrating and upsetting to see it be like this and that nobody cares’ , and By Jill Bauer-Reese , and By Daisie Cardona January 26, 2023
Noticias en español La Biblioteca Lillian Marrero permaneció cerrada por el decimonoveno día debido a piezas robadas a su sistema de aire acondicionado, pero el centro , and By Jill Bauer-Reese August 24, 2022
News Free Library’s Lillian Marrero remains closed for 19th day due to stolen HVAC parts, but cooling center is open , and By Jill Bauer-Reese July 21, 2022
Competencia de arte comunitario y gratuito para todas las edades: $ 2,500 en premios en efectivo , and By Jill Bauer-Reese June 22, 2022
'Esto realmente podría sentar un precedente para el resto del país.' , and By Jill Bauer-Reese November 27, 2020
'No veo esto como un problema legal. Lo veo como una cuestión humanitaria.' , and By Jill Bauer-Reese November 27, 2020
Civics & Government ‘Both candidates have two completely different views on things that, to me, are important.’ , and By Jill Bauer-Reese November 3, 2020
Civics & Government ‘I want to help the people so they can keep voting for whatever candidate they like.’ , and By Jill Bauer-Reese November 3, 2020
Civics & Government ‘It is always a struggle and a fight for a righteous cause, and that's why I'm voting here today.’ , and By Jill Bauer-Reese November 3, 2020
Civics & Government ‘I voted because I feel that the country is going in a direction that I think could be better.’ , and By Jill Bauer-Reese November 3, 2020
Civics & Government ‘Nowadays, people don’t help people. There’s no love in the world — there’s no love.’ , and By Jill Bauer-Reese November 3, 2020