Voces ‘Se necesita un pueblo para criar a un niño, y nunca quiero que mis hijos tengan las mismas experiencias que yo tuve’. , and By Zaraiah King June 2, 2021
Noticias en español ‘Encontré una sensación de paz al aceptar que estas escuelas no eran las mejores. Esa misma aceptación fue la chispa que necesitaba para llevarme , and By Roscoe Ezell Jr. June 2, 2021
Voces ‘No culpo a Mastbaum. Culpo al Distrito Escolar de Filadelfia’. , and By Brett Smith June 2, 2021
Noticias en español ‘Mastbaum me enseñó que cada uno tiene su propia lucha, y todos fuimos a la escuela para escapar de ella’. , and By William Griffin June 2, 2021
Voces ‘Si no hubiera tenido una voluntad tan fuerte, no sé si llegaría tan lejos’. , and By Selina Santiago June 2, 2021
Voces ‘El sistema de escuelas públicas no moldea a los adultos jóvenes para que estén solos en el mundo real’. , and By Sabrina Lacend June 2, 2021
Beating the odds in Philly's public school system: ‘I am more than a statistic’ , and By Solmaira Valerio June 2, 2021
Voices ‘I don't blame Mastbaum. I blame the School District of Philadelphia.’ , and By Brett Smith June 2, 2021
Voices ‘An accomplishment I can say that I’m really proud of is that I graduated.’ , and By Lawrence Malik Bolds June 2, 2021
Voices ‘I found a sense of peace in accepting that these schools weren’t the best. That same acceptance was the spark I needed to push me to where I am t , and By Roscoe Ezell Jr. June 2, 2021
Voices ‘If I hadn’t been so strong willed, I don’t know if I’d make it so far.’ , and By Selina Santiago June 2, 2021
Voices ‘Mastbaum taught me that everyone has their own struggle and we all went to school to escape it.’ , and By William Griffin June 2, 2021
Voices ‘The public school system does not mold young adults to be out on their own in the real world.’ , and By Sabrina Lacend June 2, 2021
Voices ‘It takes a village to raise a child, and I never want my children to have the same experiences I’ve had.’ , and By Zaraiah King June 2, 2021
Voices ‘I felt proud to associate with Kensington because I focused on its tremendous potential rather than the community issues.’ , and By Raksmeymony Yin June 1, 2021
News ‘I hope people want to make a change after they see our documentary.’ , and By Khysir Carter May 28, 2021