Voices ‘I found a sense of peace in accepting that these schools weren’t the best. That same acceptance was the spark I needed to push me to where I am t , and By Roscoe Ezell Jr. June 2, 2021
Voices ‘If I hadn’t been so strong willed, I don’t know if I’d make it so far.’ , and By Selina Santiago June 2, 2021
Voices ‘Mastbaum taught me that everyone has their own struggle and we all went to school to escape it.’ , and By William Griffin June 2, 2021
Voices ‘The public school system does not mold young adults to be out on their own in the real world.’ , and By Sabrina Lacend June 2, 2021
Voices ‘It takes a village to raise a child, and I never want my children to have the same experiences I’ve had.’ , and By Zaraiah King June 2, 2021
Voices ‘I felt proud to associate with Kensington because I focused on its tremendous potential rather than the community issues.’ , and By Raksmeymony Yin June 1, 2021
News ‘I hope people want to make a change after they see our documentary.’ , and By Khysir Carter May 28, 2021
‘Espero que la gente quiera hacer un cambio después de ver nuestro documental’. , and By Khysir Carter May 28, 2021
Civics & Government 2021 Opioid Response Unit Action Plan: Here are the solutions the city will implement in Kensington , and By Henry Savage May 14, 2021
Plan de acción de la Unidad de Respuesta a Opioides 2021: Estas son las soluciones que la ciudad implementará en Kensington , and By Henry Savage May 14, 2021
El Fondo de Resiliencia de la Comunidad de Kensington otorgará subvenciones de $ 10,000 a grupos comunitarios elegibles este verano , and By Zari Tarazona May 13, 2021
Civics & Government Kensington Community Resilience Fund will award $10,000 grants to eligible community groups this summer , and By Zari Tarazona May 11, 2021
‘Esta crisis afecta la calidad de vida por la que todos hemos trabajado duro en una ciudad construida sobre sueños’. , and By Gilberto Gonzalez May 11, 2021
Voices ‘This crisis affects the quality of life we have all worked hard to achieve in a city built on dreams.’ , and By Gilberto Gonzalez May 11, 2021
‘Nuestras comunidades no nos protegen de los daños, por lo que debemos cambiarlas'. , and By Sean Hollis May 5, 2021
Voices ‘Our communities don’t keep us from harm, so we need to change them.’ , and By Sean Hollis May 5, 2021